have so many projects that need my time & attention...a friend made me a turkey wing fan but I want to add a rosette to the handle; the hide for my moccasins sits, patiently waiting while I work on a doll for a friend; but I just promised to make something for another friend; and then someone asked me to do their pipestem (wish I knew how to do quillwork) so I've been trying to learn more about those...saw some that were decorated with brass tacks which I really like. Think I'll have one section with bead wrapping and I also need to bead on his feathers' quills. Plus I am organizing a fall arts & crafts fair (something I have never done before) so I guess I need to shift gears a bit and start piling up my own items such as pouches with rosettes, pens with peyote stitch, maybe some lanyards, and doll xmas ornaments. Anything that doesn't sell is likely to become xmas stocking stuffers!! With so much to do I think I'll need to order more beads...I love it when a bead order arrives on my doorstep.