I made a necklace for my friend Chie; she is also an alumni of Univ OK and has been so kind to send me postcards from Alaska where she works with Inuipiat people ( and Pingu toys from Japan). She was very happy to get her medallion and says she will wear it to some dances. I need to tweak the design just a bit but I like how it turned out.
I bought more medium weight interfacing so am all stocked up and ready to make rosettes! I have offered to make a few things that will be given to the kids who attend this summer's Caddo Culture camp held in Binger, OK. Will make small bags decorated with the rosettes and some little necklace dolls (something I made ages ago, a good way to use up some scrap suede and they are super cute...little girls will really like them). I'd like to try making balls using pony beads; pattern looks like a tennis ball but I'm not sure how the bead work will lay out when the parts are drawn together and stuffed...if they look ok perhaps the boys would like them.
My friend Tracy makes such lovely fans and has been encouraging me to try, even sending a handle and feathers but the task seems daunting. Happily she was selling some of her fans at a pow wow and I bought one...it has large turkey feathers and small green & yellow decorative fluffs at the base. She will bead the handle for me and I bet it will look absolutely fantastic. I have a few blue macaw feathers but think I'll mail them home and have her put together a small NAC fan. I just suspect I would find feather work to be maddening ans so its best left to the experts!