Sunday, June 20, 2010

Soft cradle

am making progress on baby Connor's cradle cover...placed a small order for some 11/0 white seed beads from Noc Bay; they were out of the matt finish so I substituted lusters. While waiting for the order I reworked the large rosette for the top of the hood; had started it but was unhappy with my triangles. I bought a set of plastic guides from the art section at Michaels and it helped to even the design. I like the rosette: a yellow sun/star in a dark green background with red triangles.
Next I attached the rosette to the canvas. The canvas is stretched in a small (11 x 17) Q-Snap quilting frame; it keeps the fabric taught and I can hold it in my lap. This is nice for now but the design area is 9 x 24, so the ends will have to be finished later. I started beading alternating bands of the white lusters and dark green translucent beads; the first lane was a bit unsteady and is a little too crowded, but the subsequent lanes have settled in and its looking good so far. I am enjoying the work and keeping good thoughts going, important for the baby!
Need to consider making a rawhide stiffner and eventually shop for calico fabric; may have enough fleece for the inner lining. Not entirely sure how the cloth body is sewn together; most of the internet photos focus on the hood rather than the calico...I don't have a sewing machine and don't particularly enjoy hand sewing but in the old days it was done by hand and probably never perfect stitches then! But so far its working out and I hope this will continue

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