my order from Whispering Wind arrived...received Craft Annual #6 (1995) and Vol 31 No 6 (2001). The latter was recommended by someone responding to my Powwow.com forum question asking how to make beaded doctor's bags. It has an excellent article called Beaded Satchels that sets out the instructions perfectly! Awhile ago I purchased a small cosmetic bag made in China that has the hinge opening of a doctor's bag but the small size is a good way to test the water and I'm looking forward to starting (one day).
The Annual issue has a good article on making Cheyenne soft cradle covers; I understood the basics but needed some dimensions and an explanation of the square tab behind the hood. It also has suggested bead work designs and says most used alternating bands of white and dark green (how lucky for me that I have plenty of dark green left over from the other cradle). One example, a doll toy, had a rosette on top...mine will have a large rosette with a yellow 8 pointed star outlined in green & red, as well as green & white bands. Just started working on the rosette; it will be bright & colorful. Have some leftover green fleece with a southwest print that can be used as a nice soft inner lining (if I have enough) but may have to go to the fabric store for the outer calico fabric (had hope to do all this with only items already on hand so I may scrounge a bit more).
I would recommend a subscription to Whispering Wind; its a nice magazine and has craft articles as well as historical info, book reviews and plenty of ads for supplies. I prefer the Annuals as they assemble together good craft instructions (but it seems like they are a bit behind in putting the next one out). I purchased Annual #3 when I first started making dolls...my doll pattern has evolved over the years but someday I'd like to make one from the original (more of a flopsy toy than my current ones) and it would be a good project for kids. See their website http://www.whisperingwind.com/ for more info...they also carry books, videos & stationary items.
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